We want to make Composition Forum accessible to everyone. To that end, we ask you to report accessibility problems or suggest improvements. Please contact the site manager, Kevin Brock, by email (, or by postal mail:
Kevin Brock
Department of English Language and Literature
Humanities Office Building
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
If we can’t solve your problem, we’ll provide site content in a format you can use.
To make Composition Forum accessible, we use the following techniques:
- Headlines are used on every page, so users can move around documents quickly.
- “Printable versions” are created on the fly using cascading style sheets, so we do not have to synchronize different versions of articles. This ensures the most up-to-date content.
- Text sizes are relative, so increasing the font size should work well.
- Standards-compliant markup is used for all pages.
- Text descriptions are included for all images related to article content.
- Videos created by writers are captioned; videos writers link are captioned or transcribed.
- We avoid complex data tables and mark up tables with headers whenever possible.
We welcome your suggestions for further improving our journal’s accessibility.