Composition Forum 15, Spring 2006
From the Editors

This “special topics” issue of Composition Forum explores an important subject in composition studies: the locations in which writing and rhetoric take place. Assembled by Guest Editor Christopher Keller, the articles here examine how place and location shape discourse. Taken together, they offer a close scrutiny of the ways in which composition theory and pedagogy draw upon spatial notions and are grounded in a variety of locations. We hope that this issue provides a point of departure for further examinations of space, place, and location within composition studies, and we welcome future articles, reviews, and Program Profiles which explore this timely subject in greater depth.
We are pleased to begin our newest feature here in Composition Forum: the Program Profile. Each issue will showcase one Program Profile, written by someone involved in a writing program of some sort. The profile will provide a description of the program, an analysis of its goals and mission, a discussion of the theories underlying the program, and also some general thoughts about the program’s value, significance, and future. In this first Program Profile, Michelle Ballif describes the Writing Intensive Program at the University of Georgia. Michelle serves as Editor for our Program Profile feature, and this first profile provides a model for future authors.
This issue also includes several reviews, which, in keeping with the special topics theme, examine location-based books in composition. Reviews for Composition Forum continue to focus on significant new scholarly publications within the field of rhetoric and composition, but also examine noteworthy books in related fields as well as important textbooks, websites, and other publications of interest to teachers of writing and rhetoric.
Please see our submissions page for further information and submission guidelines for all of these features and sections.
We hope you will visit this page often to view our progress; expect to see development of and updates to the website within the immediate future. Please send any comments or suggestions about Composition Forum to Christian Weisser at Questions concerning the website should be directed to Bradley Dilger at
From the Editors from Composition Forum 15 (Spring 2006)
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