Composition Forum 14.2, Fall 2005
From the Editors

Under the guidance of new editor Christian Weisser, Composition Forum has undergone a number of significant changes in structure, format, and content. Most obvious is the conversion from a print-based to an online format. Website Editor Bradley Dilger has been indispensable in this undertaking, helping to develop the website that you see here as well as converting the last print-based issue (14.2) edited by Joe Hardin and Julie Drew to the new format. The current website will continue to develop as Bradley and Christian employ emerging technologies to make current and past issues fully searchable. Editorial Assistants James Capp and Megan Hoover are currently converting previous issues of Composition Forum to this electronic format for easy access.
Along with these alterations in the format of the journal, a number of structural and content-based changes are being implemented. Composition Forum continues to solicit important and timely essays concerning pedagogical theory in rhetoric and composition. In addition to a new set of essays, the next issue (to be released in the Spring of 2006) will feature a new Program Profile section. Edited and designed by Michelle Ballif, this section will showcase descriptions and analyses of innovative writing programs of all sorts. The Reviews section, edited by Derek Owens, will expand with the next issue of Composition Forum, continuing to feature reviews of significant new scholarly publications within the field of rhetoric and composition, but also examining noteworthy books in related fields as well as important textbooks, websites, and other publications of interest to teachers of writing and rhetoric. Please see our submissions page for further information and submission guidelines for all of these features and sections.
We hope you will visit this page often to view our progress; expect to see frequent development and updates within the immediate future. Please send any comments or suggestions about Composition Forum to Christian Weisser at Questions concerning the website should be directed to Bradley Dilger at
None of this would be possible without the help of many individuals and institutions. We wish to thank Nancy Poulson and Mark Tunick at the Wilkes Honors College as well as Andy Furman, Jeff Galin, and Barclay Barrios at the Graduate Program in English at Florida Atlantic University for their generous financial assistance. We must also thank former editors Julie Drew and Joe Hardin for their advice and insight, as well as Gary Olson, Lynn Worsham, and the other members of the Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition for their guidance and support. Finally, we thank all of our colleagues within and outside of rhetoric and composition for continuing to read and contribute to this publication.
From the Editors from Composition Forum 14.2 (Fall 2005)
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