Composition Forum 17, Fall 2007
Figures from “How Making Matters”

This page contains all figures from “How Making Matters: Reconfiguring Composition Intersubjective Spaces” by David P. Sherman. Text descriptions and transcriptions of text in each image are included.
- Figure One: “Dear Uncle Buddy” by Salena Collins
- Figure Two, Part One: “Mom and Grandma at Disneyland, 1975” by Javier Cervantes
- Figure Two, Part Two: “Mom and Grandma at Disneyland, 1975” by Javier Cervantes
- Figure Three: “Signs of the Times” by Linda Garcia
Figure One: “Dear Uncle Buddy” by Salena Collins

Figure one text description
A collage of about 15 images related to hurricanes, such as palm trees blowing in the wind, satellite images of storms making landfall, and high gasoline prices. An cropped American flag dominates the center of the collage.
This image contains the following text:
Dear Uncle Buddy,
I am aware of the tragedy that has taken place in New Orleans and am willing to do anything that I can to help. I am happy to hear that you are safe and that the hurricane did not effect your home however I feel that it is the survivors duty to help those that have been effected. This is the time when America needs to come together and help restore one of our greatest and most historical cities. Its not going to be an easy task and its almost as if the victims are going to have to start their lives from the beginning, however with your funding and the help of volunteers I believe that anything is possible, and we can give them a fresh new start.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Salena Collins
Figure Two, Part One: “Mom and Grandma at Disneyland, 1975” by Javier Cervantes

Figure two, part one text description
Two people standing in front of a wrought iron fence. One is wearing sunglasses, and taller, younger, and more fashionably dressed than the other. A monorail is visible in the background.
This image contains the following text:
My mom and grandma at Disneyland 1975
My mother immigrated to America at a young age with her younger sister and three older brothers. She wanted a better life economically for herself and her future family in the place that was named the land of opportunity. This image captures a small portion of economic success that would have never occurred in my mother’s native country.
Figure Two, Part Two: “Mom and Grandma at Disneyland, 1975” by Javier Cervantes

Figure two, part two text description
A low-resolution image of a newspaper article with the caption “Los Angeles Times Article, March 4, 1975” pasted below.
The article is an AP wire story, “Immigration Men Find Illegal Aliens Underfoot,” from the Los Angeles Times of March 4, 1975. The story begins:
WASHINGTON (AP)—The Immigration and Naturalization Service, charged with keeping foreign citizens from entering the United States illegally, has discovered two illegal aliens working in its national headquarters.
The article names and describes the men, who were employed by a cleaning contractor, and connects the incident to similar incidents since November 1974. Concluding paragraphs note a call for new legislation and the extent of the problem.
Figure Three: “Signs of the Times” by Linda Garcia

Figure three text description
A two-part collage of political cartoons and other images. The left side is labeled “BEFORE amnesty for illegals,” and the right “AFTER....” Mock road signs with images of a family running appear in both before and after segments. Cut and pasted text over the image reads “Signs of the times” and “of hope and change....” A figure of Uncle Sam holding a “KEEP OUT” sign is visible on the “After” side.
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Figures from “How Making Matters” from Composition Forum 17 (Fall 2007)
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© Copyright 2007 David P. Sherman.
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