Composition Forum 23, Spring 2011
Appendix 1 from “Rekindling Longwood University’s Rhetoric and Professional Writing Concentration and Minor, 2007-2010”

This page contains text descriptions and links to PDF documents from posters in Appendix One of “Rekindling Longwood University’s Rhetoric and Professional Writing Concentration and Minor, 2007-2010”. For each poster, a brief text description precedes the original text.
Poster for Rhetorical Criticism course
(PDF version of rhetorical criticism poster)
Rhetorical Criticism course text description & original text
A black poster with two large writing-related images, one heavily manipulated. Includes lists of major assignments, topics, and contact information. Original text follows:
TR, 2-3:15, Spring 2010
Rhetorical Criticism
Dr. Kristen Dayle Welch
Join us in the exploration and practice of rhetorical criticism this spring.
Major Assignments
Students will analyze a short, non- fiction work in two papers:
- Background and Rhetorical Situation
- Analysis, using a system of rhetorical criticism
- Neo-Aristotelian Criticism
- Burkean Rhetorics, Cluster Criticism, and Pentadic Criticism
- Epistemic Rhetoricsand Fantasy-Theme Criticism
- Ideological Criticism
- Metaphoric Criticism
“[Edwin Black] allowed us—indeed, compelled us—to see familiar phenomena with new eyes, through unaccustomed angles of vision, and by doing so he broadened and deepened our understanding not only of particular rhetorical phenomena but of the nature and possibilities of rhetoric itself.” —Stephan Lucas
Need More Information? Contact Dr. Welch at or call 395-2071
For information concerning disability access phone 434.395.2392 (V) or 711
Poster for Professional & Technical Writing Contest
(PDF version of contest poster)
Contest text description & original text
A green poster with a large image of a green scroll serving as background. Smaller images include work situations. Includes contest deadlines, prizes, links to a web site with more guidelines, and contact information. Original text follows:
The Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program invites Longwood Students to participate in our
2nd Annual Professional and Technical Writing Contest
Deadline for submissions: Friday, November 20, 2009
- 1st Place: $100
- 2nd Place: $50
- 3rd Place: $25
- Honorable Mention: $10
Full guidelines for submissions and entry forms are online at:
For more information, email Professor Welch at or Professor Magill at
Special thanks to our sponsor: The Longwood University Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Poster for Rhetoric & Professional Writing Program
(PDF version of program poster)
Program text description & original text
A white poster with two large writing-related images, one of students using a laptop. Includes lists of courses required for concentration and minor, and contact information. Original text follows:
Are you ready? See our Rhetoric & Professional Writing Program.
Concentration (24 credit hours)
- Rhetorical Criticism
- History of Rhetoric
- Visual Rhetoric and Document Design
- Creative Writing Non-Fiction
- Technical Writing
- Advanced Topics in Rhetoric and Professional Writing
- Professional Writing and Editing
- Internship in Rhetoric/Professional Writing
Required (9 hours)
- Visual Rhetoric and Document Design
- Technical Writing
- Professional Writing and Editing
Electives (9 hours)
- Rhetorical Criticism
- History of Rhetoric
- Writing Non-Fiction
- Advanced Topics in Rhetoric and Professional Writing
- Traditional and Modern English Grammar
- Advanced Creative Writing Non-Fiction
- Internship in Professional Writing
Want to know more? Visit our website: or email Dr. Kristen Welch,
For information concerning disability access phone 434.395.2392 (V) or 711
Appendices from “Rekindling Longwood University’s Writing Minor” from Composition Forum 23 (Spring 2011)
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© Copyright 2011 Kristen Dayle Welch.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.